In collaboration with the Children’s Mission, we strive to provide green energy to villages in the Philippines that do not have access to electricity after the Haiyan super typhoon hit the country.
InnoVentum has prepared a hybrid power station the Dali PowerTower to be installed on the Hills of Grace near Manila. It will enable:
- charging of mobile phones and flashlights
- operation of night lighting at the school district which forms the focal point in Scandinavian Village
- operation of water pumps.
Advantages that make the Dali PowerTower a perfect solution for the disaster area:
Ease of transport
Ease of installation
Ease of operation
Ease of maintenance
(click on the image above to download Dali PowerTower brochure)
In July 2014 InnoVentum installed the first Dali PowerTower at the Hills of Grace. Download our presentation by clicking on the picture below or here:
A detailed presentation about the project is available here:
Please follow all updates on the first Dali PowerTower to the Philippines in our News section and on Facebook..
We need more PowerTowers for the Hills of Grace, Scandinavian Village and other affected areas. Therefore, we welcome your contribution – large or small .
Please use the Children’s Mission Plusgiro if you are based in Sweden: 901080-2 or Giro: 901-0802
For international transfers please use:
IBAN (electronic format): SE7850000000055261005272
IBAN (paper format): SE78 5000 0000 0552 6100 5272
Bic-code: ESSESESS
Strömgatan 14
212 25 Malmö , Sweden
Mark your transfer with “Vindkraft Filippinerna”.
Many thanks in advance! Together we will bring energy to the areas that need it most!
Sigvald Harryson Bo Wallenberg
CEO, InnoVentum AB Mission Leader, Barnmissionen